新生優惠:恆常課程每堂HK$99 (HK$295/345

  • 新生可以HK$99換領恆常課程的一堂


  1. 優惠均設限額,名額會按先到先得的方式供應。
  2. 優惠只適用於報讀橋奧教育(橋奧教育)的恆常課程。
  3. 優惠中的「恆常課程」(恆常課程)只包括皇牌增值課程(中文、英文及數學) 、拼音課程、故事樂園課程及普通話課程。優惠不適用於英語沉浸式課程、全方位網上學習計劃。
  4. 優惠為新生折扣優惠,即優惠只適用於有關學生被視為新生的恆常課程(即該優惠不適用於有關學生被視為舊生的恆常課程)。
  5. 優惠中的「舊生」(舊生),即指(i)曾報讀;或(ii)目前正在報讀根據優惠選擇恆常課程的橋奧教育舊生。例:曾報讀中文皇牌增值課程的學生,只被視為該中文皇牌增值課程的舊生,但就其他恆常課程而言,則被視為新生。
  6. 優惠中的「新生」(新生),即指(i)未曾報讀根據優惠選擇恆常課程的學生;及/或(ii)未曾參加根據優惠選擇恆常課程的試課的學生。
  7. 每名新生只能就每科恆常課程換領一次此優惠。例:一名新生可就英文皇牌增值課程、中文皇牌增值課程及多感官閱書樂課程分別選擇換領一次優惠,但不可就英文皇牌增值課程換領兩次優惠。
  8. 每項優惠不能與以上其他優惠及橋奧教育提供及/或接受的任何其他促銷、優惠券、學券、折扣或其他優惠一併使用。
  9. 根據優惠選擇的恆常課程不設任何入學評估或試課。
  10. 根據優惠報讀的恆常課程均按照原有課程設定形式進行,除非面授課堂在橋奧教育指引下停止。 (例:如您選擇換領面授課程,學生必須在橋奧教育公布回復面授課堂後到橋奧教育中心校園上課。)
  11. 如缺席以優惠選擇的恆常課程,該恆常課程將不設補課。
  12. 根據優惠報讀的恆常課程的課程費用並不包括用課程書本附加費。課程書本附加費將會與課程費用分開收取,並且優惠並不適用於該課程書本附加費。
  13. 橋奧教育保留在其絕對決定權下於任何時候及不時對此等細則作修改的權利,而無須事先通知。
  14. 此等細則的原文為英文。如此等細則的中文翻譯版本與英文版本有歧義,一概以此等細則的英文版本為準。

New Student Discount offer for Regular Courses: HK$ 99 per lesson ( HK$295 / $345  )

  • New Students may redeem one lesson of Regular Course at HK$99

[ Applicable on Trial lessons for English Immersion Programme ( EIP ) ]

  • The trial fee for this course : $198/2 lessons,


  1. This Offer is subject to availability on a first-come-first-served basis.

  2. Offers are only applicable to enrolment of Regular Courses of Qurio Education (Qurio).

  3. “Regular Courses” under this Offer only includes Enrichment Courses (Chinese, Mandarin, English, and Mathematics), Phonics, and Story Wonderland. The English Immersion Programme, Integrated Online Learning Programme and Writing Masterclass are not applicable under this Offer.

  4. This Offer is a New Student discount offer, i.e. it can only be use in relation to a Regular Course which the relevant student is considered a New Student (i.e. the Offer is not applicable for redemption in a Regular Course which the relevant student is considered an Existing Student).

  5. “Existing Students” referred to in this Offer means existing students of Qurio who (i) have been enrolled in; or (ii) are currently students of the relevant chosen Regular Course(s) under the relevant Offer(s). E.g. A student who has previously been enrolled in a Chinese Enrichment Course shall be regarded as an Existing Student of the Chinese Enrichment Course only, but shall be regarded as a New Student in respect to other Regular Courses.

  6. “New Students” referred to in this Offer means new students of Qurio who (i) have not been enrolled in; and/or (ii) have not joined trial class(es) of the relevant chosen Regular Course(s) under the relevant Offer(s).

  7. Each New Student may redeem this Offer once only for each Regular Course respectively. E.g. A New Student may choose to redeem this Offer once for English Enrichment, Chinese Enrichment and Story Wonderland respectively but may not redeem two offers for English Enrichment.

  8. Each Offer cannot be used in conjunction with another offer, any other promotion, coupon, voucher, discount, or otherwise offer provided and/or accepted by Qurio.

  9. No assessments or trials will be conducted for admission to the Regular Courses chosen under this Offer.

  10. The Regular Course chosen under this Offer will be conducted in the original designated format unless during Qurio’s suspension of face-to-face classes period. (i.e. if you chose to redeem a face-to-face course, the student is required to come to campus once Qurio announces face-to-face class resumption.)

  11. There will be no makeup classes for absence in the Regular Courses chosen under this Offer.

  12. The lesson fee of the Regular Courses chosen under this Offer does not include physical textbooks. There is an additional cost for course textbooks and will be charged separately from the course fee without discount.

  13. Qurio reserves the right to, at its sole discretion, modify the provisions of these Conditions at any time and from time to time without prior notice from Qurio.

  14. The original text of these Conditions is in English. Where there is inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese translated version of these Conditions, the English version shall prevail