
快快來試新課程! 參加橋奧與BSD Education合辦的暑期編程夏令營!課程適合升小二至小四的小朋友😃他們將學習如何用編碼,創建自己的數碼寵物、網頁、網絡遊戲、數碼藝術! 💻

小朋友將學習使用HTML、CSS、JavaScript、包含 AI 人工智慧、遊戲開發、CS 語言,並與朋友分享🎓

🦁 夏令營 𝟭(23 – 26/7) : Digital Pets(製作自己的數碼竉物)
🧙🏻‍♂️ 夏令營 𝟮(30/7 – 2/8) : Website Wizards(製作自己的網頁)
🎮 夏令營 3(6-9/8) : Game Makers(製作自己的網絡遊戲)
🌃 夏令營 4(13-16/8) : Digital Art Explorers (製作自己的藝術作品)

🔎Summer Coding Camp🌐

Come try the new courses! Join the summer coding camp co-organized by Qurio and BSD Education! The courses are suitable for students going into grades 2-4. 😃 They will learn how to use coding to create their own digital pets, websites, online games, and digital art! 💻

The children will learn to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, including AI artificial intelligence, game development, and CS languages, and share with friends. 🎓

Four main programming themes:
🦁 Camp 1 (July 23 – 26): Digital Pets (create your own digital pet)

🧙🏻‍♂️ Camp 2 (July 30 – August 2): Website Wizards (create your own website)

🎮 Camp 3 (August 6-9): Game Makers (create your own online game)

🌃 Camp 4 (August 13-16): Digital Art Explorers (create your own artwork)

^註 : 以上內容只供參考 , 因應情況或會作出調動或更改
^Note : Itinerary is for reference only and may be subject to change