
👋 復活節想試新課程? 參加橋奧與BSD Education 合辦的復活節編程課程!課程適合6至9歲的小朋友,他們學習如何用編碼,創建自己的數碼寵物和拼圖遊戲! 🐶🐱🐰🐼🐨

小朋友將學習使用HTML、CSS和JavaScript來製作自己的數碼寵物,並讓它看起來像小朋友最喜歡的動物。小朋友還將製作拼圖遊戲,並與朋友分享。 🧩🎮

小朋友學習編程技能,幫助提升他們的創造力、學習解決問題和邏輯思維。他們還可以透過課堂結交新朋友,並享受編程樂趣。 😊👫👏

課程由3月26日至28日和4月2日、3日和5日。不要錯過這個探索編程和遊戲世界的機會! 🌎🚀


👋Get ready for a new course at Qurio? Join our new EASTER CODING CAMP which operate with BSD Education. The course is suitable for kids aged 6 to 9 and learn how to create their own digital pet and puzzle game using code! 🐶🐱🐰🐼🐨

Kids will use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to make their own digital pets that looks and behaves like their favorite animals. They will also make a puzzle game that they can play and share with their friends. 🧩🎮

They will learn coding skills that will help them be creative, solve problems, and think logically. They will also make new friends, have fun with their projects. 😊👫👏

The course runs from March 26th to 28th and April 2nd, 3rd, and 5th. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the amazing world of coding and gaming! 🌎🚀

💡CAMP A – Code Your Own Puzzle Game 🧩

📅 26 – 28 MAR 2024 

🕒11:15AM – 1:15PM

如果小朋友熱愛遊戲和編程,這3日課程完全為他們量身定做!他們將學習如何使用 HTML,CSS 和 JavaScript 從零開始創建自己的網頁遊戲。在此過程中,他們由如何規劃,進而學習設計遊戲和最後創建數碼特效等技能。這3日課程讓他們了解編程領域的入門。

If you love gaming and programming, this course is for you! You will learn how to create your own web-based game from scratch using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Along the way, you will master skills such as planning, designing game assets and creating digital special effects. This course is the perfect way to start your journey in the world of digital skills

     活動焦點 HIGHLIGHTS : 

  • 學習 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 的基本技能,開發網頁小遊戲,並為遊戲中的動物和人物等元素製作簡單動畫
    Learn the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript to build web-based games and animate in-game elements such as animals and people

  • 設計 5 個不同的小遊戲,讓小朋友可以自創角色和遊戲功能
    Design 5 unique mini-games that let you customize the characters and the game features

**小朋友需自行攜帶iPad / tablet 上課**

💡CAMP B – Create Your Own Digital Pet! 🐶

📅 2 · 3 · 5 APR 2024 

🕒11:15AM – 1:15PM

小朋友將使用 HTML 和 JavaScript 創建自己的數碼寵物。他們將探索如何讓寵物對環境作出反應,並模擬它的行為和情感。小朋友將擁有一個有趣且互動的數位寵物,並展示他們的編程技能和創造力!

In this course, children will create their own Digital Pet using HTML and JavaScript. They will explore how to make their pet responsive to its environment and simulate its behavior and emotions. They will have a fun and interactive Digital Pet that showcases their programming skills and creativity!


  • 探索遊戲邏輯並處理各種功能,例如實現與用戶互動和管理寵物的虛擬環境
    Explore the game logics and handle various functionalities such as implementing user interactions and managing the pet’s virtual environment

  • 學習 HTML, CSS 和 JavaScript 的編程概念,如變量,函數,循環和條件語句,以開發寵物動作
    Learn the programming concepts for HTML, CSS and JavaScript like variables, functions, loops, and conditional statements to develop the pet’s behavior

  • 創建一隻帶有特效的數碼寵物,並執行遊戲用戶的界面
    Create a digital pet with animations and implement the user interface for the game

**小朋友需自行攜帶iPad / tablet 上課**

^註 : 以上內容只供參考 , 因應情況或會作出調動或更改
^Note : Itinerary is for reference only and may be subject to change